Hello and Welcome!

Thank you for visiting and indulging my need for attention. (Check out The Casselbloggy and The Podcass for more!)

I’m Ian Casselberry and I am a freelance writer, editor, and podcaster currently working as a Breaking and Trending News writer for Sports Illustrated.

Previously, I covered sports media for Awful Announcing and Barrett Sports Media, and appeared twice a week on WISE Sports Radio in Asheville, North Carolina, providing baseball and NFL analysis. As a contributor, I helped cover the Los Angeles Dodgers’ 2020 World Series run for SI.com and wrote movie reviews for local alternative newsweekly, Mountain Xpress.

Here are the places where you can find my work and play these days:


This website is intended to be a place where people can keep track of my current writing and social media ramblings. It’s also an archive of my previous work. At the top of the page, you can find links to a short bio, my current personal blog and social media accounts.

I’ve been an editor in a prior stint for Awful Announcing and The Comeback. I also wrote for Yahoo! Sports baseball blog, Big League Stew, and MLive.com’s Detroit Tigers coverage, where I contributed a weekly column, compiled bi-weekly daily links posts, and moderated live game blogs.

Additionally, I’ve been a lead baseball writer for Bleacher Report and written for SB Nation Detroit, posting breaking news stories, blog entries and opinion pieces.

In 2014, I covered the Asheville Tourists baseball team and its South Atlantic League championship run for Ashvegas (also providing some local movie reviews).

Once again, thank you for stopping by. I apologize for not providing any snacks or drinks. But I’ll try my best to keep things interesting and current enough to warrant checking back regularly.